Using a CHAD Transit bus today
1 Hr loop New Glasgow / Stellarton using a CHAD bus today.
Route/Schedule |
The bus makes a one hour loop through the towns of Stellarton and New Glasgow. The route features Fixed stops as well as Flag areas. See the full route map for more information, including hourly schedule. |
Fares/Passes |
$3 single fare. $7.50 full day pass. Monthly passes $70/adults, $60/seniors and students, $40/youth (5–13). Children under 5 ride FREE. |
About PCT |
Pictou County Transit is a three-year pilot project. We want to prove the service is needed and sustainable. Community support is essential. Ridership numbers will determine if the service continues past the three-year pilot phase. |
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Stellarton, NS (February 23, 2023) – After a successful three-year pilot project, Pictou County Transit (PCT) becomes a permanent public transit service. The one-hour fixed-route transit service will be funded through the Town of New Glasgow and the Town of Stellarton’s operational budgets, with scalability to expand to other towns. Due to the strong ridership observed during the pilot project, the two towns consider the service to be a good return on investment and a core service for their residents.
“Public transit is an essential part of any vibrant, growing community,” said Mayor Nancy Dicks, Chairperson of the Pictou County Transit Authority (PCTA), “we are happy the community has responded so positively to the service.” Danny MacGillivray, Manager of Pictou County Transit indicated, “We knew there was a definite need in our region for expanded transportation options and we are pleased Pictou County Transit has helped fill some of that need.”
To this end, PCT has developed an expansion to the service. Joining PCT through a sale of the service agreement will be the Towns of Pictou, Trenton, and Westville as well as Pictou Landing First Nations. It will be a three-year pilot project, a 9-passenger van going into each community three times a day to pick up and drop off passengers. The van will feed the main loop in New Glasgow and Stellarton. The loop will remain unchanged, as it services the urban core of Pictou County where most of the major destinations are found (grocery stores, healthcare facilities, Highland Square Mall, Wellness Centre, etc.). All parties are excited about this expansion opportunity and anticipate a good uptake from residents of the four new participating communities.
Mayor Don Hussher of the Town of Trenton states, “We have witnessed the success of PCT and are elated to provide this service to our citizens of Trenton. Our goal is always to improve the quality of life for our residents, and we believe PCT will assist in reducing barriers, and help create a more sustainable and connected community.”
Pictou County Transit Authority is a municipal corporation that is currently owned by two municipalities but structured in a manner that will welcome new municipal owners in the future. It was launched in May of 2021 as a three-year pilot project, a one-hour fixed-route bus service between the Towns of New Glasgow and Stellarton. During the pilot period, an average of about 2,500 people used the transit service every month. In 2023, this number grew to over 3000 riders per month. Thanks to the support of the originating municipalities, service organizations in Pictou County, the community as a whole, and a real need in Pictou County for a public transit option, the pilot project has been a resounding success.
The Pictou County Transit bus is now a wi-fi hotspot! Surf the web while riding the bus!
Thanks to DataGuide Technologies Inc. for the work, and Nova Scotia Government for the funding!
As more and more of the county reopens from the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people are using Pictou County Transit. Danny MacGillivray, executive director of CHAD Transit, which operates Pictou County Transit, says ridership has grown from around 30-40 people per week up to close to 90. Read more (external link) >
The three-year pilot project from the Towns of Stellarton and New Glasgow, is a one hour bus loop though the two towns. In a release organizers stated ridership will determine if the project continues past the pilot phase. It is also hoped neighbouring municipalities will join.
Read more (external link) >
The Towns of New Glasgow and Stellarton are pleased to announce the launch of a new bus service, “Pictou County Transit”. We will pick up our first passengers this spring. Pictou County has not seen public transit since 1996. The community is excited for its’ return! Read more >
“He was so compassionate and so understanding with the special needs my brother needed to get on the bus. So that in itself was a wonderful experience”
- Lori Higgins
“I can go down to the riverfront now, I can go anywhere in New Glasgow. I have friends down there I can visit now”
- Lenny Ward